FIND in Child Welfare Supervised Visitation.


The FIND Program has been piloted in child welfare supervised visitation. This implementation was supported by funding from Strengthening Preserving and Reunifying Families, an Oregon state senate bill requiring the Department of Human Services in Oregon to provide comprehensive services to child welfare-involved families. Coaches based at the University of Oregon provided individual and group based FIND coaching to child welfare-involved parents. Individual sessions were conducted in the home or child welfare visit. The UO team served approximately 40 families with implementation.

FIND has also been implemented with foster care caregivers. The Training to Enhance and Nurture Development (TEND) program is a 12-week group based program for foster carers who look after babies and infants in the United Kingdom. Groups include a video coaching component based on the FIND model.

The TEND program has held  thirteen groups across five different Local Authorities. Data from this pilot showed increases in observed caregiving skills as measured by the PICCOLO, and improvements in infant fine motor development and personal social development as measured by the ASQ. Foster carers also reported decreases in child negative behavior, decreases in stressful behavior, and increases in prosocial behavior as measured the Caregiver Weekly Report. Consultation on implementation and fidelity was provided by the National Implementation Service. 
